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Shield Buildings with Defensive Green Coatings

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As weather becomes extremely unpredictable around the world, there is an urgent need to strengthen those places that protect us and our contents from harsh, rapidly changing climates.

Our buildings are not just places to work from or live in. They are places that we shelter in when we want to stay safe and hide from the intense sun, strong winds and heavy rains. If they are in good condition and shielded, the weather will not easily penetrate and invade those spaces.

How does weather damage buildings?

High temperatures, strong winds, raging flood waters, driving rain and flying debris find a new ‘home’ when our buildings have holes, gaps, or cracks on wall and roof surfaces allowing for harmful penetration. Strong storm winds, especially, put a great amount of pressure on these weak points damaging them further and increasing potential for destruction.

How do we keep the weather out?

Shielded wall and roof surfaces are a buildings best and first line of a strong defense. This therefore means that those surfaces have to be weatherproofed for us and our contents to be safe and secure. Green coatings encasement is a great and simple way to do this. Once applied, the right coatings form a seamless membrane on the surfaces they cover and can withstand the many attacks from strong forces of nature.

How does the Seamless Membrane Work?

First, a fluid applied system with tenacious adhesion is significant as the coating is fully adhered to the surface it is protecting. This means it becomes impossible for strong wind uplift to tear into and separate the coating from the surfaces they are protecting.

It also means that it helps materials stay attached to surfaces despite all types of attacks from many forms of offending weather. In addition, it means that wind will not tear into it nor will there be gaps or openings for damaging wind and rain to penetrate through.

Next is moisture transmission. The right green coating quickly turns a susceptible surface into a continuous, seamless, protective membrane, which shields against all types of weather attacks and enables surfaces to breath. Such membrane also guards against water penetration, while allowing outgassing of harmful water vapour, much like the material Gore-Tex.

Apart from making the building safe from the wind and rain, defensive, seamless membranes can also add some structural reinforcement, making building surfaces more resistant to flying debris. Airborne projectiles hitting against weak walls and roof surfaces compromise and destroy points of impact exposing them to damaging weather elements.

Buildings and homes with metal surfaces are prone to rust and corrosion problems, especially those near the sea with harmful salt air. This is because of a reaction between the salty moisture and metal. The green coating seamless membrane is rust resistant, therefore ideal to defend these surfaces.

Strong sun and attack from ultraviolet (UV) rays have a negative impact on all buildings and our pockets. Not only does it severely degrade surfaces, but also pulls heat into a building.

In warmer climates, keeping the building interior cool is costly in money and energy. This is especially true during the summer months. Most buildings, especially dark-colored ones absorb more heat, which makes the interiors temperature rise causing discomfort and additional energy use to counter it. This is where a solar reflective green coating application is so beneficial, especially on roofing.

The lighter colored, solar reflective membrane is designed to reflect the sun. This means the heat is not absorbed into a building, keeping the interiors cooler and reducing the overall need of air conditioning and other energy use. Solar reflective roofs have been proven to lower inside temperatures that can be critical in warmer climates, especially ones where energy is in short supply.

Properties are long-term investments and often the single largest investment for individuals. Encasing them and shielding them with defensive green coatings is the best and most efficient way to protect that investment.

As always choosing the right green coating and system design is crucial and something that I can help with.

Contact me here.


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