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Restoration - Often Better Than New

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Restoration of surfaces and material is value engineering at its best especially when incorporated with best in class green products and system designs.

It is the optimum solution to take the old and combine it with improved materials making for a better than new - restored surface.

Better than new can take old worn out surfaces, obsolete building materials and restore them to being superior compared to when they were originally produced and installed.

This may sound unrealistic and you ask yourself how can you make something that has diminished and reached its end of service life cycle better than when it was originally produced?

It’s simple! If the products that are being used to restore the old worn out materials are superior to the original ones they are covering including the new combined system thus becomes better than the first.

The improved layered system becomes a composite, taking the old and diminishing characteristics and enhancing them with upgraded and stronger qualities.

This composite when combined with layered system, works exceptionally well especially with obsolete solid hazardous building materials such as asbestos, lead-based paint and solid PCB’s.

Taking what was good about the original materials like with asbestos and its incredible fireproofing qualities or lead-based paint for its durability and then combine it with a sustainable, green coating – you are not only retaining the superior characteristics of the original product but you instantly stop the release of the toxic materials into people’s living space and the environment.

This is especially important when those hazardous materials sometimes cannot be removed and replaced due to expensive cost, location and indirect consequences of a disruptive removal and replacement.

This is the case when due to the complications of full blown asbestos removal where most often full containment is required, shutting down all other activities - including income generating production.

Depending what that income generating production is and what the work cycle is. Some facilities operate 24/7 and would be more adversely affected then a typical 8 hour, 5 day work week facility.

Shut downs at those facilities can cause devastating financial loss, and it is extremely detrimental and costly. No facilities should experience the burden of losing significant income loss because of hazardous materials. Especially when there is a better way to stop the release of hazardous materials over costly,,invasive and full blown removal and replacement while not disrupting production.

This disruption of production can also incur significant costs from the relocation of personnel and contents during the expensive and often unnecessary removal process.

In our daily lives, we take hazardous materials - toxic substances and safely live with them all the time. Just look at the worldwide use of electricity. If not properly managed will cause electrocutions, fire and other devastating damages.

Another potential hazard managed without harm or injury is the worldwide use of gasoline in our vehicles. We safely strap ourselves and our loved ones into a potentially highly explosive, moving container. And yet we safely control both those potential hazards all the time. Even considering these materials as safe and secure and use it everyday as standard and normal.

There are many others as well that we constantly utilize in our daily lives and are also safely controlled. They are sometimes outright necessary for maintaining and improving our lives.

In-place management of many of those familiar hazardous is used so often they are simply taken for granted.

Seeing how that is the case with those commonly used potential hazardous it then stands to reason that it can also be applied to the safe and acceptable in-place management of other hazardous materials, such as asbestos and lead-based paint.

Even if those materials are breaking down and being harmfully discharged into the environment. That deterioration and release can be instantly stopped and the exterior of the offending materials can be quickly rejuvenated and safely sealed.

Containing and revamping those materials to better than new with an improved, superior and reinforced exterior.

Let’s look at how roofing can benefit from a restoration as opposed to a costly removal and replacement. How you can take a worn-out roof and quickly turn that better than new. The first thing to acknowledge is that many roofing materials may work well for waterproofing and insulation when they are first put in and yet they start to diminish almost immediately after installation.

With that breakdown comes a release into the environment of what are often harmful and toxic components, such as asbestos, coal tar based and asphalt materials.

Even though roofs perceived limited service, life cycle is taken into account when designed and installed that doesn’t account for what short and long term negative environmental impact that deteriorating material have on its surroundings as it’s disintegrates.

Part of the negative impact from typical breakdown is that those materials can release harmful substances into the local habitat contributing to standing and groundwater contamination.

This along with any other substances have been placed over a roof such as asbestos, lead-based paint, PCB’s, etc. can also contribute to the pollution of air, land and water as they age and breakdown.

With the standard practice of removal and replacement not only are the decaying material continuing to breaking down when in service but once removed and transported to a landfill or dump it proceeds to continue to disintegrate persisting with the contamination of the environment.

This disposed roofing material can also correlate to ground water contamination and C02 emissions as the scraped materials rot and decay. The damaging release of excessive CO2 emissions is proven to greatly contribute to climate change and global warming.

Also, when the removed materials need to be replaced they require more precious natural resources in their reproduction and installation which again can have a negative environmental impact.

All these adverse effects with roofing and many other mentioned materials can be simply avoided by restoration. Instead of removal and replacement which incurs such negative and expensive consequences. All that unnecessary, harmful impact can be avoided with the demonstrated and proven history of preservation, restoration and in-place management with green coatings encasement.


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