In the heart of Santa Barbara, La Colina Junior High School faced a daunting challenge lurking within its walls – a decaying asbestos spray-on fireproofing protecting the structural steel.
Seeking an effective and economical solution to prevent potential exposure, the school's management aimed to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone within the premises, from students and faculty to staff.
This blog unveils the transformative journey towards a safer, cost-efficient, and environmentally conscious resolution with the simple and practical green coatings encasement solution.
La Colina Junior High School was confronted with the task of mitigating the risks associated with deteriorating asbestos-containing materials (ACM) fireproofing.
The solution sought had to be not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, steering clear of hazardous waste generation.
The objective was clear: safeguarding the health of building occupants while maintaining compliance with stringent safety standards.
The checklist for the ideal resolution included not only a long-term tight seal over the asbestos fireproofing but also the incorporation of green and super-compliant zero VOC coatings.
Achieving a Class A Fire Rating was non-negotiable, and the process had to minimize downtime, odors, and eliminate the generation, transportation, and storage of unwanted hazardous waste.
The challenge was formidable, but the desired benefits were non-negotiable.
Enter the hero of the story – a Class A Fire Rated, robust, highly impact-resistant, and long-lasting Global ENCASEMENT, Inc. System.
The magic combination?
PrepLESS Primer and AsbestoSafe TopCoat.
Not only did this solution provide an impermeable seal over the asbestos fireproofing, but it also delivered on all the desired benefits and then some.
The school not only achieved its safety goals but did so at a staggering 75% cost savings compared to the conventional method of removal, disposal, and respray.
In the pursuit of safety, La Colina Junior High School discovered a revolutionary approach to dealing with asbestos fireproofing – a cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution that exceeded expectations.
As the walls of the school now boast a tight seal of green coatings, the echo of success reverberates through the halls.
The triumphant tale of overcoming asbestos challenges is a testament to the power of innovation and a commitment to safety, paving the way for a healthier and safer educational environment.
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein
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